Remedy’s governance is subject to the company’s Articles of Association and the laws of Finland, specifically the Finnish Companies Act, the Finnish Accounting Act, the IFRS, securities markets legislation, and the Code. Remedy’s share is subject to public trading on Nasdaq Helsinki and, thus, the company complies with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code 2020 issued by the Securities Market Association (the “Code”). The Code is available online at
Remedy Corporate Governance Statement 2024
Remedy’s Code of Conduct
Remedy’s Board of Directors has approved our Code of Conduct that every Remedy employee, consultant and freelancer is expected to read and abide by.
Remedy Code of Conduct
Remedy’s Auditor
Pursuant to its Articles of Association, Remedy has one auditor, which shall be an auditing firm approved by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office, and whose principal auditor is an authorized public accountant. The term of the auditor is until the conclusion of the first Annual General Meeting following the auditor’s election.
Remedy’s Annual General Meeting 2024, which was held on 12 April 2024, re-elected KPMG Oy Ab as Remedy’s auditor for a term of office that ends to the next Annual General Meeting. Authorized Public Accountant Petri Sammalisto acts as Remedy’s principal auditor.