1. Operating in a massive and steadily growing gaming market with a total market size of almost USD 200 billion. Remedy’s target market PC & console games is approximately half of that.
2. One of the most highly regarded independent game studios, capable of creating the highest production value AAA games. In this segment the barriers to entry are high and out of the approx. 150 AAA capable game studios only approx. 30 are independent and able to freely decide what to create and with whom to partner.
3. A consistent track record and a rare capability to create new game IPs, and to develop excellent games that stand out in the market and that players engage with for years.
4. Two established franchises, Control and Alan Wake, which are linked through the Remedy Connected Universe. Growing and expanding these franchises will be a key part of our future. Additionally, Remedy has a strong foundation to work with partner IPs.
5. Proprietary Northlight game engine technology and tool set, development team and ways of working. All this has been systematically built for over two decades for the specific needs of Remedy games, with synergetic benefits across the games roadmap.
6. Multi-project model as a backbone for steady future game launches and a games roadmap with a balanced risk-reward profile combining different business models and types of games, all based on Remedy’s proven core strengths.
7. Well-established and connected player in the games industry with a network of high-quality publishing partners supporting in developing masterpiece games.
8. Games made by world-class passionate and talented individuals operating in well-functioning teams. Remedy is seen as an exceptionally attractive employer in the recruitment market.